Who We Are

Carlisle United Methodist Vision Statement

We will be a friendly, nurturing, and vibrant community of faith through worship, scripture reading, fellowship and prayer. We will accomplish these things through Church, Sunday School, Adult, Youth and Children Ministries. We will teach and disciple our congregation, nurture one another, strengthen families and reach out to those who do not know Jesus Christ. Our vision is to make our church as accessible as possible to all people so all can find love, forgiveness, hope and healing through the salvation of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

What We Do: Our Mission

As found in our denominational collection of laws and guidelines called The Book of Discipline, the Carlisle United Methodist Church takes seriously the Mission of the United Methodist Church “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” We believe we carry this mission out through our church-wide belief in knowing God and making God known.

With these two beliefs guiding our actions in mission, we offer:

• A Blessing Box Ministry
• Other Ministry Opportunities

What We Believe: Grace Upon Grace

As a United Methodist Church, our belief rests in the boundless love of God. As we glean through the grand arch of Scripture, because of God’s love and through Jesus Christ, we have a grace that transforms us and seeks to transform the world. (c.f. John 3:16, Romans 8:31-39)

From our Vision Statement, “Our vision is to make our church as accessible as possible to all people so that all can find love, forgiveness, hope and healing through the salvation of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”